Colonel Marcus "Shaka" Boyd is Commander, Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation (AFAMS), Orlando, Florida. AFAMS is the Air Force's top-level modeling and simulation (M&S) policy implementation, integration, and support agency. As Commander, Col Boyd is responsible for maximizing warfighter performance and decision making for all operations through seamless integration of live, virtual and constructive environments.

Col Boyd was commissioned in 1988 after earning a Bachelor of Science in Space Physics from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA). He is an experienced Airman and warrior in multiple aircraft weapon systems, is a master navigator with more than 2500 flying hours, and has combat experience in the B-52. His various flying assignments include being a B-52 electronic warfare officer (EWO) crewmember, instructor and evaluator, USAFA T-43/T-41 navigation instructor, B-52 Combat Flight Instructor Course flight commander and a numbered Air Force evaluator where he evaluated B-2, B-52, E-3, E-4, E-8, EC-130, RC-135, T-38, U-2, ground air control crewmembers and Joint Terminal Attack Controllers. Staff assignments have included positions at the USAFA as an Associate Professor of Physics, Headquarters 8th Air Force Standardization and Evaluation Division's Bomber Branch Chief and Secretary of the Air Force's Warfighting and Command & Control Deputy Division Chief. Prior to his AFAMS command, he was assigned to the USCENTCOM Combined Forces Air Component Commander's (CFACC's) staff where he was Chief of the Combined Theater Electronic Warfare Coordination Cell responsible for executing the CFACC's EW coordination authority to ensure electromagnetic spectrum superiority for the USCENTCOM Theater for air, space, sea, ground and cyberspace operations.

1988 Bachelor of Science in Space Physics, USAFA, Colo.
1993 Squadron Officer School, Non-residence
1996 Master of Science in Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Arizona, Ariz.
2000 Air Command - Staff College, Non-residence
2006 Senior Development Education - Air War College, Non-residence

1. August 1988 - November 1988, student, Specialized Undergraduate Navigator Training, Mather AFB, Calif.
2. December 1988 - May 1989, EWO student, 453rd Flying Training Squadron, Mather AFB, Calif.
3. May 1989 - June1990, EWO, 453rd Flying Training Squadron, Mather AFB, Calif.
4. June 1990 - August 1992, B-52G EWO, 69th Bomb Squadron, Loring AFB, Maine.
5. September 1992 - September 1993, B-52G EWO instructor and evaluator, 69th Bomb Squadron, Loring AFB, Maine.
6. September 1993 - March 1994, Flying Training Unit Instructor EWO, 328th Bomb Squadron, Castle AFB, Calif. U N I T E D S T A T E S A I R F O R C E
7. March 1994 - August 1994, Quality Advisor, 93rd Support Group, Castle AFB, Calif.
8. August 1994 - July 1996, graduate student of physics, Air Force Institute of Technology Civilian
Program, Tucson, Ariz.
9. July 1996 - January 1998, Instructor of Physics and Instructor Navigator, Department of Physics,
USAFA, Colo.
10. January 1998 - March 1999, Course Director, Associate Professor of Physics and Instructor
Navigator, Department of Physics, USAFA, Colo.
11. March 1999 - August 1999, B-52H re-qualification EWO student, 11th Bomb Squadron, Barksdale
AFB, La.
12. August 1999 - May 2001, Flying Training Unit Instructor EWO and Combat Flight Instructor
Course Flight Commander, 11th Bomb Squadron, Barksdale AFB, La.
13. May 2001 - Jun 2003, Group Senior Standardization and Evaluation Instructor, 2nd Operations
Group, Barksdale AFB, La.
14. Jun 2003 - February 2004, B-52 Standardization and Evaluation Branch Chief, HQ 8 AF, Barksdale
AFB, La.
15. February 2004 - October 2005, Bomber Standardization and Evaluation Branch Chief, Headquarters
8th Air Force, Barksdale AFB, La.
16. October 2005 - May 2007, Advanced Concept and Technology Demonstrations Branch Chief,
Headquarters Air Force, Pentagon, Va.
17. May 2007 - July 2008, Warfighting and Command & Control Division Deputy Chief, Headquarters
Air Force, Pentagon, Va.
18. July 2008 - July 2009, CTEWCC Chief, Combined Air and Space Operations Center, Al Udeid AB,
19. July 2009 - present, Commander, Air Force Agency for Modeling and Simulation, Orlando, Fla.

Rating: Master Navigator
Flight hours: Over 2500
Aircraft flown: B-52, E-3, E-8, EC-130, RC-135, T-37, T-38, T-41, T-43

Defense Meritorious Service Medal
Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters
Air Medal with one oak leaf cluster
Air Force Commendation Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal with four oak leaf clusters

Second Lieutenant Jun 1988
First Lieutenant Jun 1990
Captain Jun 1992
Major Oct 1999
Lieutenant Colonel Sep 2004
Colonel Feb 2010

(Current as of Aug 2011)